In the afternoon,fly out to Jinka, and meet your guide and driver,then direct drive to Turmi.Turmi is an area located at the southeastern part of Omo and where the Hammer people lives by.The Hamers are a fine looking people, both men and women take great pride in their appearance, shaving and coloring their hair, oiling their bodies and decorating themselves with beads and bracelets worn around arms and legs.So, you will drive to one of the local Hammer Village and spend the rest of the days visit the Hammer people.Overnight, camping at the Village with the Hammer people.
Early morning after breakfast, proceed to Omorate(a home of the Dassanech tribe),a tribe who setteled at the last border nearby where Omo river inter to the Kenyan lake Turkana.Then after you arrive Omorate, you will take the local wooden boat in order to cross the majestic Omo river and meet the Dassanech people at one of their local village.Then after the Dassanech visit, drive back to Turmi till a mid day.
Then after lunch in Turmi continue drive to Dimeka in order to visit one the second largest weekly market of the area in which two interesting tribes( Hamer and Kara) will show up together with their goods.Please note that: Most of the weekly markets we have in Omo Valley are not only a place to buy and sell, but they are more like a weekly social events, where the tribal people exchange news as well as offer and recieves invitations for whatever ceremony they have. So you will have amezing exprience at the market.Further this day, if there is any ceremony like bull jumping, then that will be seen.
Today, early in the morning, we will drive to Kara village. The Kara tribe are among smallest tribe in the area numbering only 3000 people.They settled on the west bank of the Omo river, and believed to be as a master of body painting that they use for beutifiying purpose. So today you will meet this authentic people at one their second bigest village called Dus(one of the furthest village which isnot often visited by tourist) and the most important place for entire Kara people. And you will spend some time with the Kara people. Afterward, you will drive Back to Jinka.But before Jinka, along the way, again you will attend at one of the biggest and the most colourful weekly tribal market at the village called Alduba where more than three different tribal groups join together with their own different reasons.
Today again early in the morning,you will drive to Mursi (70km) in order to visit Mursi tribe who settled inside the Mago National Park, they are renowned for the strange custom followed by their women who, on reaching maturity, have their lower lips slit and circular clay discs inserted. And this day you will be arrive the Village in the late morning, and then you will spend some time visiting the Mursi village and share some experiences with the local Mursi people.Then you will drive back to Jinka where you will catch the flight back to Addis.