12 Days Birding tour

Day 01:

Addis Ababa - Awash National Park

Drive to Awash National Park. Many species of birds are found here: Red-bellied Parrots, Bustards, Weavers, Hoopoe, Yellow-throated Serine, Red-fronted Barbet, Pygmy Batis, and the Lesser-striped Swallow. The park also boasts a variety of mammals: the Anubis Baboon, Colobus Monkey, Black-backed Jackal, Bat-eared Fox, Egyptian Mongoose, Warthog, Beisa Oryx, Soemmering’s Gazelle, Lesser Kudu, Salt’s Dikdik, etc.


Day 02:

Awash National Park

Continue birding in Awash National Park and proceed to the Alledeghi Plains about 70 kilometers from Awash Park. This is a good area to spot different bustards, larks, sandgrouse, etc..


Day 03:

Awash National Park - Lake Langano

Drive to Lake Langano with birding stops at Koka Dam, the Awash River, and Lake Ziway. Spot species such as; the African Pygmy Goose, Black-billed Woodhoopoe, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Northern Black Tit, Little Weaver, Yellow-billed storks, Collared Pratincole, Lesser Jacana, African Jacana, White Pelicans, Fish Eagles, and crowned and common cranes are seen here in impressive numbers..


Day 04:

Lake Langano

Continue birding around Lake Langano and Abiyata—Shalla National Park. Over 300 species can be seen around Lake Abiyata, such as: Yellow Wagtails, Ibis, Cormorant, Pelicans, Ducks, Egrets, Herons, Flamingos, Storks, Swallows, Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Rollers, Wheatear, African Marsh Harrier, etc.


Day 05:

Lake Langano -Wondo Genet - Bale Mountains

Drive from Langano to the Bale Mountains National Park, rated by the African Bird Club as the number 4 birding destination in Africa. Over 300 species of birds live here, six are endemic to Ethopia. Arrive at the park headquarters in the afternoon in time for a leisurely afternoon hike, possibly spotting two endemic mammals that frequent the area: Menelik's Bushbuck and the Mountain Nyala. Birds in this area include the Blue-Winged Goose, the Spot-Breasted Lapwing, the Abyssinian Long Claw, the Wattled Ibis, the Black-Headed Siskin, Rouget’s Rail, and numerous other species.


Day 06:

Bale Mountains National Park

Continue exploring Bale Mountains National Park and drive further into the interior. Spot birds such as Chestnut-naped Francolin, Ground Thrush (of the distinctive, endemic species Simensis), the secretive Abyssinia Ground- thrush, the vocal Abyssinian Catbird, and the endemic White-backed Black-Tit. If we are very fortunate, we will see a pair of the endangered Wattled Crane in the moist grasslands or spot a Cape Eagle- Lapwing, Thekla Lark, Red-breasted Wheatear, and Moorland chats. On the Senetti Plateau, (the largest continuous area of its altitude in Africa) look for the endemic and rare Ethiopian Red Wolf.


Day 07:

Bale Mountains National Park - Negeli Borena

Drive to Negelle with many birding stops en route. Look for the Turaco and outstanding Golden-breasted Starling. We will also seek the endemic Sidamo Lark and the Somali Short-toed Lark and possibly Heuglin’s Bustard on the Negele Plains.


Day 08:

Negeli Borena

Spend the morning seeking the Degodi Lark if not yet sighted. We'll also search for the White-winged Dove and Juba Weaver, two prized sightings in the area, plus Black-faced Sandgrouse, Chestnut-headed Sparrow-lark, and the Scaly Chatterer. Look for the Sidamo Lark, a quite secretive bird and like many Ethiopian endemics inhabits a very small area.


Day 09:

Negeli - Yabello Borena

Drive to Yabello. Search for the endemic White-tailed Swallow and Stresemann’s Bushcrow. You should spot the Swallow threading its way through the termite chimneys and groups of Bushcrows in the thorn bushes. For the entire day explore the Yabello Wildlife Sanctuary and Reserve; species to look for include: Somalian Ostrich, Secretary Bird, Ruppell’s Griffon Vulture, Martial Eagle, Grasshopper Buzzard, African Pygmy Falcon, Vulturine Guineafowl, Kori Bustard, Donaldson-Smith’s Nightjar, Star-spotted Nightjar, Yellow-billed Hornbill, Lilac-breasted Roller, Rufous-crowned Roller, D’Arnaud’s Barbet, Red and Yellow Barbet, Short-tailed Lark, Northern Grey Tit, Shelley’s and White-crowned Starlings, Abyssinian Grosbeak Canary, Somali Sparrow, Black-capped Social Weaver, Grey-headed Silverbill, Taita Fiscal, and Somali Golden-breasted Bunting. Other possibilities include: Coqui Francolin, Somali Courser, African Bare-eyed Thrush, Little Spotted Woodpecker, Pringle’s Puffback, Little Tawny Pipit, Fawn-coloured Lark. Mammals that inhabit the park include: Burchell’s Zebra, Aardvark, Grant’s Gazelle, Thompson’s Gazelle, and Lesser-spotted Genet.


Day 10:

Yabello Borena

Continue birding in the Yabello area. See Degodi Lark, Bush crow ,white -tailed swallow,corsar,Garganey pintail and others you might not have seen on the first day


Day 11:

Yabello Borena - Hawassa

Drive to Hawassa. En route to spot numerous species: Silvery-Cheeked Hornbill, Abysinnian Ground Hornbill, Roget's Rail, Marabou Stork, Black and White Egrets, African Pygmy Goose, Spur-winged Goose, Swallows, Ibis, African Fish Egret, Woodland Kingfisher, Malachite Kingfisher, etc.


Day 12:

Hawassa - Addis Ababa

Return to Addis Ababa with optional return stop at Lake Ziway, In Addis Ababa, enjoy a Farewell dinner at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant featuring dancers and musicians representing some of the country's many ethnic groups. Transfer to airport for late night departure or additional hotel night booked upon request

End of Birding Tour